Season’s Greetings Lunchboxbrainiacs!
LORDY, WHAT A YEAR! 2017 was a wild one here at LBB HQ.
I had more than a dozen shirts printed at Shirt.Woot, Cotton Bureau and TeeFury to name a few. I also released 7 design duos (one apparel graphic, one surface design) over at my Threadless Artist Shop. These designs were well received and more importantly, I feel like my skill set (technique, workflow, etc.) grew by leaps and bounds this year. Even though I’m closing in on *gulp* 40, I’m still learning and trying new things. Keep going, keep growing – that’s the LBB way.
Just in case you forgot, your support is a BIG PART of my continued growth and success. If you bought some LBB swag or left a comment about my work on Instagram, Twitter of Facebook, please know that I know am thankful for your kindness and support!
And now, here’s are some of 2017’s greatest hits:
Most Popular Shirt
It pays to keep up with Congressional testimony, kids. Shoutout to Jim Comey for the quote of all quotes.
Favorite Side Project
The Launch of the AIGA UPSTNY Threadless Artist Shop
Curating designs from other designers has always been on my bucket list and now I get to cross that one off. I’m grateful to my fellow AIGA UPSTNY board members who gave me the green light to chase this project. Special shootout to the designers who were kind enough to share their work for this initial collection. You don’t have to be a proud Upstate New Yorker to admit that these are some pretty rad designs. Stay on the lookout for our next round in 2018!
Top Instagram Post
Top Tweet
Looking at these @Twitter UI chages like
— Andrew Gregory (@lunchboxbrain) June 15, 2017
Top Dribble Shot
That’s a wrap on 2017, folks! May your 2018 be filled with great friends, epic moments and lots of LBB swag. Excelsior!